Abortion Laws
Current Abortion Law in Florida:
As of May 1st, 2024, abortion became illegal past 6-weeks gestation under the Heartbeat Protection Act.
- The law is determined by gestational age, not when a heartbeat is detected.
- Women are not denied medical care for ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages.
- Currently, the abortion pill must be prescribed in person and is illegal to obtain via mail order.
- The few exceptions to this law are in the cases of rape, incest, human trafficking, fatal fetal abnormality, or if a pregnant woman’s life is in danger.
We praise God for this huge win for LIFE, but the battle is not over.

What can we do to help?
1. Raise Awareness
Some additional resources:
- https://informedchurch.org/
- https://votenoon4florida.com/
- http://www.embracelife911.org/2024-Abortion-Amendment
- https://www.donoharmfl.org/
Share with your friends, members of your church and pastors.
At Thrive, we would love to come share with your community, small group or church. To arrange a guest speaker, email partners@thriveorlando.org
2. Pray
- We know that God values LIFE, so we ask that He would have mercy on us to defeat this amendment!
We all long for the day when abortion is no longer a threat to unborn children. Together, we can Thrive!