Although ThriVe staff firmly believe in the benefit of a well-planned and proven process, we are also aware that each patient’s decision is ultimately in the Lord’s hands.  Some cases make us appreciate this more than others. Although ThriVe staff firmly believe in the benefit of a well-planned and proven process, we are also aware that each patient’s decision is ultimately in the Lord’s hands.  Some cases make us appreciate this more than others.

When Jade and her husband learned they were pregnant with a second child, the timing was horrible for her.  Hoping to go back to school and pursue a better future, Jade felt that having a baby would make her goals impossible.  Jade wanted to come to ThriVe because, as a previous patient, she said she liked how we did things and felt comfortable at the clinic.  Initially, Jade indicated to her advocate that she and her husband were undecided as to their intentions going forward.   During her appointment, Jade learned that her baby was about 4 weeks’ gestation, which was too early to receive a clear ultrasound.  ThriVe staff then invited Jade and her husband to return in two weeks for a good quality ultrasound. 

However, Jade decided that the best course of action would be to choose abortion, perhaps because she thought it would be easier due to the low gestational age of the baby.  She declined the invitation for a later ultrasound and even expressed interest in a post-abortion support group.  When Jade left the clinic, there was no indication that she would ever return.  Even so, Jade, her husband, and her baby were still on the hearts of the ThriVe staff, and in prayer, they asked the Lord to intervene.

Two weeks later, Jade and her husband came to ThriVe, asking if they could have an ultrasound after all!  During the sonogram appointment, Jade told her advocate that she had experienced a “spiritual moment” that changed her mind.  Because of that experience, Jade and her husband decided to continue the pregnancy and raise their baby.  Jade’s story is a beautiful reminder that even when our efforts seem unsuccessful, God can still work miracles. 

Would you help us reach more of the Jade’s out there today before they schedule their abortion appointment tomorrow?